About Hamilton County Communications


Our organizations are governed by a Board of Directors, but our true success relies on our entire team. Our team is dedicated to helping you from the first interaction we encounter until present day. The services we provide do not stop after installation is complete. We take great pride in providing quality service and of course we want you to be happy with your service. In rural communities like ours, the greatest marketing tool we have is your referral. Many times our customers are our friends, neighbors, church members or acquaintances in our community. Our organizations truly exist to bring services to our rural area that no other company is willing to do. We live here, we work here, we invest here. It’s our community too. One thing our team has always tried to follow is the philosophy of “we treat people the way we want to be treated.” So far, that seems to be working well for us and our customers.


Hamilton County Telephone Co-op was created in July 1953 in an effort to provide an effective communication system among our rural areas and its members. Since then, we have grown our Co-op and its subsidiaries to improve the quality of services throughout our community into many different aspects of the communications industry. In 1992, we created Hamilton County Communications, Inc. to provide internet solutions and business telephone system sales and support. In 1996, we created Hamilton County Long Distance, which provides long distance calling service and is available only to our co-op members. We formed the Hamilton County Telephone Foundation in 2006. This Foundation was formed through a tax incentive, which allows us to invest back into our community through donations, scholarships, and other opportunities. Also, in 2007, the Co-op formed Hamilton County Construction, Inc., which provides telephone construction for our co-op and provides outsourcing services to other area businesses. As a need for internet services grew outside of Hamilton County, Futiva was born in 2014 to provide fiber to the premise internet services outside of Hamilton County.

Board of Directors

The Co-op and all of its subsidiaries are governed by a Board of Directors with one director from each exchange. The Directors are elected every 3 years on a rotating basis. They attend monthly meetings, serve on committees, create and set policies, and make the overall financial decisions for the Co-op and its subsidiaries. The current Directors and their respective exchanges are:

DirectorPositionExchangeExchange Location
Chris SinkPresident728Macedonia
Lemuel GageVice-President736Dahlgren
Alan MonroeSecretary648Belle Prairie
Rob KieferTreasurer756Belle Rive
Steven DouglassDirector647Broughton
Justin WoodrowDirector757Blairsville
Robert AbbottDirector773Dale

Management Team

Although the Board of Directors makes the overall business decisions, the day-to-day operations is ran by an experienced and capable management team.

Kevin Pyle, General Manager and Executive Vice President: Joined the Co-op in 2006 as our Outside Plant Manager. In 2009, he was promoted to his current position and has already spearheaded many projects improving the foundation of our co-op. Kevin brings over 30 years of project and strategic planning experience. He was also instrumental in the creation of our construction company, Hamilton County Construction, Inc. in 2007.

Ruth Bryson, Accounting Supervisor: Ruth has been with the Co-op since 1995. She serves as Accounting Supervisor and Bookkeeper, overseeing all accounting activities.

Steve Drenner, IT/IPTV Administrator: Joined the Co-op in 2009. Steve has over 10 years of experience in Information Technology, Internet Service and Wireless communications.

Clint Mosby, Plant Superintendent: Joined the Co-op in 1996 as a Technician and has over 22 years of experience in Outside Plant operations. In 2015, Clint moved into the Superintendent role and oversees the entire plant for the Co-op. In addition, he helps plan and execute fiber projects within the Co-op, Hamilton County Communications, Inc. and Futiva service areas.


In 2006, the Hamilton County Telephone Co-op Board of Directors formed the Hamilton County Telephone Foundation. The Foundation was formed through a tax incentive, which allows us to invest back into our community through donations, scholarships and other opportunities. We have provided many opportunities thus far including annual donations to the renovation of the hospital, annual college scholarships, donations to various school projects, plus much more.

To inquire about our foundation, please call our office at 736-2211.

The 2025 College Scholarship Application is now available HERE. Deadline to apply is March 14, 2025.